Torontonians gather at Yonge Dundas square to practice yoga on the solstice

Recently, I’ve been doing yoga in the heart of downtown TO, a solstice session at the bustling Yonge-Dundas intersection and then west of Toronto’s financial district at Metro Hall Square, in front of the G20 fence.

Given that the recent astrological tension we’ve seen (a big fat grand cross and lunar eclipse) coincides with the G8-G20 Summit, I thought the situation called for a little extra, and public, yoga.

A peaceful practice at Metro Hall Square while groups of police look on

Looking at the chart for today’s protest, I see that the grand cross planets have aligned perfectly with chart angles. A military helicopter flies low overhead. Twitter feed reports that the first group of people have been seriously injured. It’s time to go out and join the march as they head towards my home. In my heart, the memory of being rooted to the city in yoga and a prayer that everyone – protesters, riot police, G20 leaders – remain open, honest, brave.

May Toronto, our fair city, be protected, and may the gods watch over those who walk her streets…